On March 19, 2010, a grand commencement ceremony of Longyuan Tibet’s Yangbajing 10MW Photovoltaic Power Station and Its New Type of Geothermal Power Project was held on the spot of the 10MW Photovoltaic Power Station at Yangbajing Town, Tibet. Major domestic medias competitively showed their concerns for the commencement ceremony; entrusted by CCTV, Tibet Television Station of China dispatched a group to give a full and in-depth coverage. Various medias, including Xinhua News Agency, China Electric Power News Office, and Energy Press sent their reporters to cover news and give a report on the spot. Major domestic medias like CCTV’s News Broadcast, People’s Daily Online, People's Daily Overseas Edition, Xinhua News Agency, China Electric Power News Office, and Energy Press have published such interviews and coverages.
On March 19, 2010, CCTV’s News Broadcast released a report with a title of Tibet: Construction of Two New Energy Projects Commences (http://bugu.cntv.cn/news/china/xinwenlianbo/classpage/video/20100319/100901.shtml).
On March 19, 2010, a press released with a title of From up in the air to down under the ground –All dimensional Development and Utilization of New Energies in Tibet in the column of National Headlines (http://www.gov.cn/jrzg/2010-03/19/content_1560072.htm) came out on Gov.cn, the official web portal of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China.
On March 19, 2010, a press with a title of Development and Reform Commission of Tibet Cooperates with China Longyuan to Boost New Energy Construction came out on the People’s Daily Online (http://xz.people.com.cn/GB/139188/11183378.html).
On March 20, 2010, a coverage with a title of Largest Solar Photovoltaic Power Station Built up in Tibet came out on People’s Daily Online (http://finance.people.com.cn/GB/11182652.html) and People's Daily Overseas Edition (http://paper.people.com.cn/rmrbhwb/html/2010-03/20/content_470624.htm) respectively.
Such an event was also reported from various aspects by China Electric Power News Office, Energy Press, and other significant medias.